He may have fail-safes prepared to take down Superman, but Batman has nothing on a clever Green Lantern's practical use of a Power Ring. Clark Kent's powers may make him one of the Earth's greatest assets, but there's always the fear those abilities could be used for devastating purposes. As one moment from Injustice: Year Two shows, the first line of defense against Superman shouldn't come from Batman, but rather, an ingenious Green Lantern.
Batman has historically been one of the most prepared characters in the DC Universe, planning for any number of worst case scenarios. Recognizing the potential of an out-of-control Superman, Bruce Wayne has created several countermeasures in order to subdue him. From varying forms of kryptonite to technology to increase his own strength, the Dark Knight knows exactly what to do if he needs to take the Man of Steel down.
However, it seems a much simpler and effective way of dealing with Superman lies in the out-of-the-box thinking of a Green Lantern. Injustice: Year Two #10 by Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo, Mike S. Miller, Julien Hugonnard-Bert, Rex Lokus and Wes Abbott features a team of Green Lanterns attempting to bring Superman to Oa to stand trial. While Superman remarks he doesn't fear a thought-based weapon, he suddenly plummets out of the sky. It turns out Superman's been attacked by the miniscule Lantern, Ch'p, who has cleverly thought on a smaller scale and used his ring to attack Superman's brain. By stopping his synapses from firing, the little Lantern immobilized one of the most powerful beings in the DC Universe.

Though Ch'p's plan ultimately fails, it isn't because his attack wasn't successful. He's actually killed by Sinestro who arrives to stop Superman from being taken to Oa. And while the little guy doesn't end up saving the day, Ch'p did something few beings in the DC Universe have done: rendered Superman completely helpless. Even with all his tech and plans, Batman hasn't always come out on top when he and Superman engage in combat. It can't be said that Bruce doesn't put a lot of thought into his fail-safes, but a Power Ring can just do considerably more.
A Power Ring relies on the creativity of its user to bring out its potential. Lanterns like Kyle Rayner and John Stewart use their respective backgrounds in art and engineering to craft constructs only they could create. When put in the right hands, or paws in this case, a ring can do virtually anything. Ch'p's application to attack Superman where he's most vulnerable is an inspired idea and probably the most effective way of handling a rogue Kryptonian.
Of course, as a mere human, Bruce Wayne needs to prepare for the worst because when things go sideways, he's one of the most vulnerable. That said, Batman should let the Green Lanterns handle Superman if he ever goes to the dark side.
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