Pokémon Legends: Arceus offers plenty of Requests for players to pick up throughout the vast region of Hisui, including Request 41, “An Elegant Tail.” Players can start this Request by speaking to an NPC named Asabei in Jubilife Village and, like many of the game’s Requests, it requires them to find and catch a specific Pokémon in the wild. Fortunately, the Pokémon that Asabei wants to see is easy to catch and even easier to find, allowing players to complete this simple Request in a matter of minutes to earn their reward.
“An Elegant Tail” becomes available in Pokémon Legends: Arceus after players calm the Noble Pokémon Lilligant and accept the “A New Mission” story Mission, which will send them to the Cobalt Coastlands to continue their survey work. After that, Asabei can be found on the southwest side of Jubilife Village near the southern gate, and his location will be marked on the map with a “New Request” icon. He’ll tell the player that he spotted a Pokémon with an elegant tail that curls like a spring, but since he wasn’t able to see anything but its tail, he isn’t sure which kind of Pokémon it was. Asabei will ask the player to find the Pokémon he’s talking about and bring it back to him so he can see its tail again.
The elegant Pokémon in question is none other than Glameow, which players can easily catch in Pokémon Legends: Arceus’ Cobalt Coastlands. Just outside of the Beachside Camp where players first enter the area, several Glameow can be found on the Crossing Slope, so players can catch one without having to venture too far. However, Glameow is very skittish and will run away if it spots the trainer approaching, so players will have to sneak up to get the best chance of catching one for Asabei’s Request.

Since Glameow has a skittish temperament in Pokémon Legends: Arceus, players can use stealth to catch it before it runs away. Players can hide in tall grass, but they can also use Smoke Bombs to give themselves some additional cover as they move in close. Players can also lure and distract Glameow with a Berry, which will make it easier to catch or give players the chance to dive into the tall grass without being seen if it escapes the Poké Ball.
Once Glameow has been successfully caught, players can head back to Asabei in Jubilife to finish the Request. Unfortunately, the Glameow and Asabei don’t exactly click as partners, but players will get to keep the Glameow they caught after completing the Request. As a reward, Asabei will give the player 2 Aux Evasions and 2 Grit Gravel, which can come in extremely handy as players face tougher and tougher Pokémon in Pokémon Legends: Arceus.
Pokémon Legends: Arceus is available on Nintendo Switch.
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