A creator has made use of the viral user-generated content platform Dreams to craft an impressive and shocking transforming airplane. This recent interactive art piece is just one of countless unique, uncanny, mind-blowing builds crafted through the PlayStation-exclusive gaming and creating application.
Dreams has grown a vast, passionate user base since its initial release back in early 2020. Through this program, Dreams users can create complex animations and fully functioning video games complete with score systems, collectibles, and diverse gameplay mechanics, and all of this can be done directly through the PlayStation console itself. These creators can then publish their creations to the Dreams library for other users to enjoy. There has been no shortage of incredible, in-depth creations that have surfaced through this program, from deep sports games to retro-style platformers. One creator even managed to create a miniature Avatar: The Last Airbender game through the program, offering up replicas of many of that show's iconography and fantasy concepts.
While there are certainly plenty of Dreams creations that take themselves rather seriously, that is not the case when it comes to a cool game boosted by Media Molecule on Twitter earlier today. A video accompanying the Tweet shows a well-animated, if pretty basic, airplane cruising through the skies. Surprisingly, the airplane quickly shifts into some sort of draconic mechanical monster reminiscent of creatures found in games like Horizon Forbidden West. This creature can be seen spewing different types of luggage and debris from its mouth as it clambers about the virtual space. According to the control prompts located on the left side of the screen, it looks like the baggage-spewing and position of the jaw can be controlled directly by the player.
This creation will no doubt remind many onlookers of Transformers, the popular TV and film franchise featuring automobiles, boats, and aircrafts that can turn into intelligent, bipedal humanoid entities at will. However, this version definitely seems to have a much creepier and more feral twist when compared to the more family-friendly Transformers shows and movies. This transforming airplane is also more akin to an animal than a person when in its transformed state.
Regardless of how individual viewers might feel about the aesthetic of this creation, it is undeniably impressive and unique. The animation on display here, coupled with the level of interactivity, is truly astounding-- especially when considering that this was made by an independent party rather than a game studio. Hopefully, this is far from the last cool build that comes out of Dreams.
Dreams is currently available on PS4 and PS5.
Source: Media Molecule/Twitter
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