Gerard Way's dark horse comic-turned-TV series, The Umbrella Academy, returns for its third season on June 22, 2022. Between the first two seasons, fans familiar with the comics and those new to the show got a glimpse of the direction in which the show was going. The second season in particular saw massive character development for some of the main heroes.
The third season will no doubt include mind-blowing, confusing, and often hilarious moments between the hero family members. From Luther's space mission to Diego's obsession with knives, these memes sum up the show perfectly.
Note: One of the memes refers the character of Viktor Hargreeves by his dead name as this meme was made prior to the character's transition in the series.
The Umbrella Academy is a show with many layers and sub-plots. From Klaus getting stuck in a past war to Vanya's back-and-forth relationship with her sister Allison, it may seem hard to summarize the show in one sentence. @simplystupidd hilariously remarks that a caption at the beginning of one episode sums it up well: "That's it. That's the show," the meme argues.
In the first season, Klaus may have been seen more as comedic relief than anything else. His uninterest in his siblings' arguments often covered up for the dark secrets he would soon face. The caption might be a double entendre, noting his hilarious demeanor and also the fears he had to come to grips with in the second season.

A sub-plot hinted at in the first season was that of the Hargreeves boy that no one talked about. Ben appeared for a few moments if only to haunt Klaus about the events of their past missions. In the second season, their relationship becomes a more central part of the story.
This meme, tweeted by hoodsiess, perfectly describes Klaus and Ben's development throughout the show. Even though Klaus has different traits in the comics, a staple of his character is his ability to collaborate with Ben and overcome his guilt from the past.

The Umbrella Academy is made up of many outlandish and creative characters. One of the most intriguing characters of the show must be Number Five. A time-traveling "kid" (who is older than all of his siblings), Five always has a sense for the bigger picture; almost every decision he makes is an attempt to stop the end of the world.
As Redditor Mane_Gamez08 points out in this meme, his mindset often contributes to the disarray the Hargreeves experience. It seems that every time there's a chance at reconciliation, Five has something more important to say that causes tempers to flare.
The show's human science experiment may seem hardened and unfeeling at first glance, but Luther Hargreeves is much more than his rocky, muscular exterior. Luther shows leadership as a brave Hargreeves brother, but he could not escape his father's ambitions.
This meme from @UmbrellaAcad summarizes how Luther deals with being sent on a mission (which he later learned to be pointless) to the moon. Throughout the show, Luther has a hard time forgiving his father for such a harsh and meaningless act. Understandably so, he brings it up in conversation frequently.

The Umbrella Academy puts its spin on time travel in a fun way, making the only main character affected by it a kid stuck in his younger body. Netflix's version of Five resembles the comics well. His appearance is scrawny and childish, though he doesn't dawn a monocle in the show. However, his attitude is the same in the show as in the comics.
This meme pokes fun at the fact that no matter how old Five truly is, he'll still look the same. Five often considers this a vice, but his youthfulness does seem to help him when fending off threats like Hazel and Cha Cha. The only downside that keeps occurring is that no one takes him seriously.
The second season brought in the infamous antagonists, Hazel and Cha Cha. Even as some of the most ruthless characters in the show, Season 2 alluded to the idea that Hazel used to be somewhat normal. As the season progresses, he wrestles with finding love and trying to live a normal life and working for a time travel agency with a plot to kill Five.
In a Twitter thread, @AvisHiatus pulled Hazel's confession, "I used to enjoy my life," as a funny and defining part of the show. It seems that an underlying theme for every character is their attempt to get back to a normal lifestyle and have peace in their families if it's not too late.

The show's best character arc might be that of Viktor Hargreeves. Once the outcast of the family—believed to be super-powerless—Viktor turns out to have the strongest powers. Reginald Hargreeves knew that from early on (even though viewers didn't until the end of Season 1), so he tried to put a muzzle on his abilities in the supposed name of keeping him safe.
This meme comedically highlights one of the many things Viktor grew up hearing: that he is nothing special. He couldn't go on missions or practice with his siblings because he didn't have anything to offer. This is a major theme and contributor to Viktor's character development and the choices he makes throughout the rest of the show.

One reason Klaus is so hesitant to face Ben in the first season is that at the time, Ben would possess Klaus and use his powers. This was terrifying for Klaus, who didn't want to face the trauma of his past or give up control and go to a dark place in his mind while Ben took over.
This meme posted in the r/UmbrellaAcademy subreddit takes the hilarious popular meme format and adds an Umbrella Academy twist. In the third season, perhaps Klaus won't be as hesitant to "draw 25" as he has in the past.

One of the funniest moments in season 2 of the show came during an episode titled "Öga för Öga," which is Swedish for "eye for an eye." Though their intentions were good, Luther and Diego went on a wild chase to find "Olga Foroga," who they thought had secrets about their Swedish enemies.
This meme Tweeted by hoodsiess not only captures the funny moment between the brothers but also captures the scope of the show's family. They're rag-tag superheroes who scramble to find the answers before the other does.
Of the seven Hargreeves kids, Diego is the one with a knack for weaponry, specifically knives. Like a super-powered ninja, Diego wears a suit tailored to hold as many knives as possible. This, paired with his ambitious and hot-headed attitude, makes for a dangerous hero.
This meme tweeted by @capn_mel encapsulates Diego's personality perfectly and humorously. While in the comics, Diego goes to space with Luther and ultimately resolves much of his resentment for the Hargreeves, the show has not yet depicted that side of him.
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