The romance genre is in trouble as of late, and this list only proves it. The only noteworthy romance movies that have been released lately were not fans' favorites, and it seems like the best bet for lovers of the genre is to wait for the release of Thor: Love And Thunder, which according to Taika Waititi, won't shy away from romance (via Screen Rant).
But the newest Marvel movie isn't what viewers have in mind when they talk about epic love stories - the stories so powerful it's hard to believe they only happened on the big screen. And while there are differing opinions, the classics that make Ranker's top ten are hard to argue with.
Note: Ranker lists are live and continue to accrue votes, so some rankings may have changed after this publishing.
10 Roman Holiday (1953)
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While it's rather surprising that Hepburn's Breakfast At Tiffany's doesn't make the cut for Ranker voters, Roman Holiday is also a great romance to watch in the summer. There is something comforting about rewatching movies since the ending is already known and there are no surprises.
And watching this movie feels like coming home. It's warm and romantic. The story about a reporter falling in love with a celebrity (or in this case princess) is rather cliched, but for some reason, it feels fresh. It might be the incredible chemistry that Hepburn and Peck shared or the cute but predictable plot that charms the viewers into forgetting the plot is recycled.
9 It Happened One Night (1934)
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It Happened One Night is another example of a reporter falling in love. It's a romantic comedy that aims to both entertain and charm its viewer. Despite Clark Gable doing brilliantly in other epic romances like Gone With The Wind, he does surprisingly well in a more comedic role such as this classic screwball comedy movie.
Even if it's not among the most serious, it's easy to see why film fans love it so much. Amidst the romance that feels heavy, this is the light-hearted story every fan enjoys watching, and similar to Roman Holiday it brings the kind of comfort only old Hollywood movies can bring.
8 When Harry Met Sally (1989)
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When Harry Met Sally is one of the best romantic comedies made to this date and has earned its place among the romance giants. This movie has it all - Nora Ephron's brilliant writing, the allure of New York City, the opposites attract trope, topped with slow-burn sprinkles.
But the reason fans love this movie so much, and why it has withstood the test of time, is that it's one of the most relatable. It doesn't try to sell a story of tragic star-crossed lovers or illicit affairs. Instead, it offers an insight into more realistic obstacles the couple faces and allows both characters to grow individually before ending up together.
7 The English Patient (1996)
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There is something that separates The English Patient from other romances in a way that it's hard to let go of the story and the images. It lingers long after the credits roll, which is a likely reason people have included it on this list.
Love is a mysterious force with hundreds of different motivations and consequences, and this movie does not pretend to know all the love's mysteries, and instead explores those motivations and boundaries of the heart. It is the romance that's endured throughout the years and remained one of the favorite romance movies of all time.
6 The Notebook (2004)
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The very peak of the Nicholas Sparks romance era happened with The Notebook. It's hard to say whether it was the chemistry between the lead actors that convinced the fans, the beautifully written story, the epic soundtrack, or even the glorious scenes like the confession in the rain. This movie became a staple for every romance fan, and the only surprising thing is that it's not ranked higher on the list.
Similar to Titanic, this is another story that tackles obstacles like overcoming social class and wealth issues. People love watching stories where love overcomes everything and wins in the end. It's hopeful and soothing, and there is nothing wrong with wanting to see the underdog win. And these are just some of the reasons that make this movie so great.
5 Before Sunrise (1995)
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Before Sunrise is what happens when one strips away all the unnecessary drama of a romance movie. It's a soft romantic film where the dialogue gets to shine as the characters mostly walk and talk to each other. It emphasizes the parts of the starting relationship that most movies skirt over.
It highlights how romantic it can be to get to know someone better, and shows that not all first dates are awkward or wrong. This movie has earned its place on this list by turning simplicity into romance. And after everything, it ends with a satisfying open ending that leaves room for interpretation.
4 Gone With The Wind (1939)
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Gone With The Wind is another of those tumultuous love stories people enjoy watching, but at the same time, hope would never happen to them. This epic romance clearly convinced the masses, because it still remains to this date the highest-grossing movie of all time (when adjusted for inflation), which is why it isn't surprising to find it on this list.
It's hard to say what people love the most, but a wild guess would be that viewers enjoy complex characters. And these characters are complex, selfish, and stubborn. It creates interesting romantic tensions between the protagonists, and despite them not being the best people, one can't help but root for them.
3 Titanic (1997)
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Despite a tragic unhappy ending for a romance film, fans of the genre love to watch Titanic. There is something freeing in the connection between Rose and Jack that convinces even the most skeptical viewers. It's a testament to how love can overcome class and other obstacles it might face.
As heartbreaking as the movie's ending is, the majority of Jack and Rose's story is filled with hope. As she struggles to free herself from her family's expectations, Jack offers her an entirely new world. The movie portrays the kind of love one would do anything for, and the reason this is so high on the list is that most people wish they could experience the same at least once in their lifetime.
2 Casablanca (1942)
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It seems some of the most iconic and epic romance stories told on the big screen do not have a happy ending, and this is one that goes into the category. Despite Bogart and Bergman's chemistry, this film couple wasn't meant to be.
But perhaps the more telling romance story in Casablanca is the one between Ilsa and Lazslo. Ilsa didn't hesitate to leave Rick to nurse her sick husband, and deep down Rick knew that Ilsa would regret staying behind. It wasn't the tumultuous passionate love she had for Rick, but when it came down to it, she chose Lazslo, and Rick knew that.
1 An Affair To Remember (1957)
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An Affair To Remember is considered a classic of the genre, and it comes out top for Ranker users when considering the most epic love stories ever told. Perhaps it's the simple notion that nothing in the world can stop love when it's real that captures the hearts of romance fans. The majority of people want to have confidence in this fact, despite the vast evidence proving otherwise.
Despite the movie playing with emotions, it doesn't cross the line into corny. This is likely due to the brilliantly smart written script and two of the best actors Hollywood had at the time - Cary Grant, who takes the role of a love-smitten womanizer to a whole other level, and Deborah Kerr, who can only be described as a class act.
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