The Conflux is one of the easier Lost Sectors to complete on Legend or Master difficulty in Destiny 2. As is par for the course with these activities, equipment is locked, so Guardians should prepare the proper loadout beforehand. To commence the higher difficulties of The Conflux Lost Sector, players must travel to Nessus, with The Cistern being the closest Landing Zone.
Guardians will face multiple Cabal combatants with Void shields, as well as Barrier and Unstoppable Champions. Similar to Destiny 2's Chamber of Starlight Lost Sector, The Conflux has a Solar Burn that increases the Solar damage dealt and received by 50%. Players should be wary of their surroundings because enemies throw grenades significantly more often with the Scorched Earth Modifier. Master difficulty adds Chaff, which disables the player's radar.
The biggest challenges to clearing The Conflux are the Champions. Using the right seasonal mods can make all the difference. For Anti-Barrier, the only option currently in season 17 is a Pulse Rifle, as the Piercing Sidearms mod is still disabled. Alternatively, players can bring Arbalest to handle both Barriers and Void shields. Unstoppable Champions, this season, can be stunned with either Scout Rifles or Glaives. As there are many enemies that can surround Guardians in this Lost Sector, the first option may be preferable, especially on Master difficulty. The Exotic Fusion Rifle Bastion in Destiny 2 can also stun Unstoppable Champions and is another great option. After ensuring that each champion can be dealt with, players are ready to challenge The Conflux.

The Lost Sector in Destiny 2 is a single massive room with some pillars to use as cover. Immediately upon entering the activity, Guardians will face some Unstoppable and Barrier enemies. On Master difficulty, there will be an increased number of these Champions. The boss is located in the far right corner of the room. While is it possible to break through to the end, Guardians are advised to take out the extra enemies. Each Champion defeated, restores one of the limited lives, up to six. Once the boss is isolated, he is rather easy to kill, unlocking the chest.
Every Lost Sector in Destiny 2 has a different degree of difficulty. This can change from season to season, depending on the Champion mods available. This also varies with the layout of each activity. While some Lost Sectors present more of a challenge, The Conflux offers one of the best chances Guardians have to earn some exclusive Exotic armor.
Destiny 2 is available for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
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