New Betas and Alphas are coming for MultiVersus and in order to participate, players will need to sign up for the event beforehand. MultiVersus is a brand-new free-to-play 2D platform fighter that uses iconic characters from various Warner Brother properties. Batman, Shaggy, the Iron Giant, and Steven Universe are amongst the wide variety of playable characters. While the full game does not have a solid release date outside of 2022, there are upcoming chances to get hands-on with the game early. These betas can also help shape how the final product will turn out.
Earlier this year, MultiVersus also held a Tech Test for North and South American players. At the time, the information about this Tech Tech was under lock-and-key, with players being required to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement to participate. This meant those chosen were unable to share any information about the game. Fortunately for the upcoming Closed Alpha, players will only need to sign-up beforehand.
The Open Beta for MultiVersus will take place in July 2022, until then, players can sign up for the Closed Alpha at the MultiVersus website. It will begin on May 19th and will conclude on May 27th. During this period, those players who are selected are able to share their experience of the game online. Signing up requires players to create a Warner Brothers account. It's important to mention that signing up for the Closed Alpha does not automatically allow the player to join, they will need to be selected by the developers.

Confirmation emails will be sent out starting on May 17th with a chance for more confirmation emails to be sent out while the Closed Alpha is active from May 19th to May 29th. After redeeming the code, the player can then invite up to three friends to join the Closed Alpha. Players can also choose any platform from PlayStation, Xbox, and PC. The Closed Alpha itself will feature 2 vs 2, 1 vs 1, and 4-players free-for-all as game modes. Not only that, but players can enter the Lab to practice any character they plan to main.
With the MultiVersus Open Beta, the only confirmed information is that it will be available in July 2022. With the full game being free-to-play and featuring crossplay from the very beginning, MultiVersus has the potential to be a new dominant force in the fighting game community. It's likely for the Open Beta to feature the same ruleset and characters as the Closed Alpha.
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