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Deadpool's Healing Factor's Ultimate Test Came From Thor and Luke Cage

To expel a villain whose healing factor made him regenerate inside Deadpool's body, the Merc with the Mouth called into the big guns for help, getting Luke Cage and Thor to rip him in half. In Deadpool Annual #1 (2013) by Marvel Comics, Madcap lived inside Deadpool after regenerating from molecules. So to get him out, Wade Wilson gets two of Marvel's strongest heroes to literally rip him apart in hopes Madcap would leave his body.

Madcap has become one of Deadpool's most iconic villains, as the bizarre bad guy became one of his rogues in the 2010s, more than 25 years after first appearing in the pages of Marvel Comics. Madcap cannot feel pain, can manipulate emotions and has a healing factor that even Deadpool admitted was better than his own. However, when Madcap returned from disintegrating, he ended up taking over part of Deadpool's body, leading the antihero to get Thor and Luke Cage to rip his body apart so he could regain control.

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In Deadpool Annual #1 (2013) by Ben Acker, Ben Blacker, Evan "Doc" Shaner, Veronica Gandini, and VC's Joe Sabino from Marvel Comics, Deadpool scopes out Hell's Kitchen and is interrupted by the Avengers and one of their epic battles. However, as Deadpool laments their arrival, he's confronted by Madcap. But, as they talk it out, Daredevil and Thor arrive, with the blind hero telling the God of Thunder to hit Deadpool and Madcap with lightning to subdue them since they'll survive due to their healing factor. However, after turning both to dust by mistake, Deadpool reforms with Madcap's psyche inside him. The partnership starts off swimmingly, but both eccentric characters realize they need to be on their own. As Thor and Luke Cage come to the scene, Deadpool and Madcap decide to split up, using the latter's powers to convince the strongmen to rip him in half.

Thor and Luke Cage succeed in ripping Deadpool in half, splitting the antihero and the villain, as each regrows as their whole self. Hilariously, the two Marvel Comics strongmen are confused about what just happened, admitting they aren't sure if they just killed Deadpool. But, perhaps, even more notable is Deadpool and Madcap's reactions after their healing factors gave them their own bodies back, as they both admit they enjoyed each other's company, with Wade Wilson admitting he misses him as the comic ends.

Deadpool and Madcap's healing factors showed impressive regenerative abilities after both were ripped in half. The Merc with a Mouth's guess that they would regrow as two separate beings turned out to be true, even if Wade Wilson missed being one with Madcap. While Deadpool might have regretted splitting from Madcap, getting Luke Cage and Thor to rip in half proved to be the ultimate test of what his healing factor was capable of - confirming it could grow two healing factor-powered characters together and split them up just as easily.

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