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The Green Lantern Corps Returns To DC, Including Dead Officers

Warning: SPOILERS for Green Lantern #12

The top peacekeeping force of the DC Universe, the Green Lantern Corps is back, and in their ranks are officers thought to be long gone. Green Lantern shocked readers last year by destroying Oa, taking the Corps' Central Power Battery and a number of Lanterns that had dutifully served for years. Thanks to the actions of one notable Lantern, the Corps has come out of this great tragedy stronger than ever... and they aren't leaving any members behind.

The Green Lantern Corps is the greatest creation of the Guardians of the Universe, the oldest cosmic beings alive. After several attempts at bringing law and order to a lawless universe, the Guardians found success by harnessing the Green power of Will. In the eons since the Corps' creation, the agency was composed of beings from across the universe, dedicated to protecting all life from any possible threat. Sadly, an attack in Green Lantern #2 destroyed the Corps' home base of Oa, and took the lives of some beloved Lanterns.

Related: The Most Immortal Green Lantern is Also One of Its Strangest

However, that's nothing the now-ascended John Stewart can't fix with his new god-level powers. Green Lantern #12 by Geoffrey Thorne, Tom Raney, Marco Santucci, Mike Atiyeh, and Rob Leigh shows John Stewart more powerful than ever before after absorbing a Godstorm.  Overflowing with power, he attempts to use every bit of his power to connect his fellow Corpsmen back to the Green energy. He succeeds and every Lantern glows brightly once more as their rings begin to reform. The day only gets more emotional for the Corps, as the rings of the fallen suddenly rise and take Green energy forms of their former bearers. The resurrected Lanterns have no idea why or how they've returned, but their comrades are more than happy to see them.

This isn't even the first time the Green Lanterns have had to rebuild after total annihilation. But when a possessed Hal Jordan destroyed the Corps, it was rebuilt by its remaining members and had the ranks filled with new recruits. In this instance, John Stewart has used his newfound godhood to effectively undo the wholesale slaughter of his Corpsmen, keeping much of the previous incarnation alive. They may exist only as remnants of their previous selves, but they are still Lanterns and still part of a greater whole.

DC fans may have more of a connection to some of the Earth-based Lanterns such as Jessica Cruz, Hal Jordan, or Jo Mullein but the Corps was built on the backs of lifeforms from every corner of the DC Universe. Like their human counterparts, alien members like Arisia Rrab and Isamot Kol have fought and bled to attain the same peace any other Lantern seeks. Seeing these characters come back is a symbol of the Corps' tenacity and strength, as well as a symbol of the intergalactic spirit of the Corps.

Any DC fan may have had an inkling that the Green Lantern Corps was due to come back, but seeing the fallen Lanterns join their brothers and sisters is a nice and welcome surprise.

Next: Green Lantern's Origin Hides a Shocking Secret That Disgraces Hal Jordan

Green Lantern #12 is available now from your local comic book shop.


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