Warning! This article contains spoilers for Rick and Morty: Infinity Hour #1
While Rick’s life before the events of Rick and Morty has been briefly explored in the Adult Swim animated series, the new comic series Rick and Morty: Infinity Hour delves deeper into Rick’s past than ever before. Rick has always been a bit of a mystery to fans of the highly acclaimed series, though after the season 5 finale, everyone has a clearer picture of Rick’s history. Even with that season 5 glimpse, there are still a few details missing from Rick’s life. However, after this four-part comic series, there will be a few less as Infinity Hour goes deep into Rick’s background before he met Morty.
In Rick and Morty: Infinity Hour #1 by Magdalene Visaggio and Marc Ellerby, fans are thrown into a Star Wars-like situation with the Galactic Federation being infiltrated by a spy who has stolen the plans for the Federation’s ultimate superweapon. Meanwhile, Rick is working as a cog at NASA, coming up with wacky inventions that the governmental agency has no interest in funding. Rick gets fired despite his brilliance, which puts him on a path to cosmic liberation.
Fans of the television show Rick and Morty know that before Rick met Morty, his original wife and daughter were killed by another Rick who wanted this one to join the fold of multiversal Ricks and their intellectual superiority. Afterwards, Rick goes on a Rick-killing spree as he hunts for the version of him who killed his family. On his murder-mission, Rick encounters Bird Person and a number of other freedom fighters and he joins them in their fight. These events led to Rick becoming the most sought-after criminal in the Galactic Federation’s history, though Infinity Hour may reveal that Rick’s introduction to the Galactic Federation happened a bit earlier than fans previously thought.

While the events of Infinity Hour may seem contradictory to those of the Adult Swim series, fans shouldn’t worry due to the very nature of Rick and Morty itself. Rick is an unreliable narrator to say the least, even if fans think they are aware of the inner workings of his mind, it is just as likely that the opposite is true. While Rick’s past was briefly explored, it all could have been a lie just as it was in Rick and Morty season 3 episode 1.
Not only can Rick not be trusted, but there is also the possibility that Infinity Hour tells the history of an entirely different Rick from the one that fans know from the animated series. There are countless Ricks and Mortys across the multiverse, and while the history of the Rick fans know from the series has been revealed, Infinity Hour could be telling the story of a whole new Rick who is equally as rebellious against the tyranny of the Galactic Federation. Wherever this new comic series technically falls within the multiversal history of Rick, the important aspect of Rick and Morty: Infinity Hour is that it will give fans a chance to see Rick in action before he met Morty, revealing how he became the nearly godlike force of nature fans know him as in Rick and Morty. The first issue is available now, with issue #2 set to release on April 27 and #3 on May 25.
Source: Comic Book Resources
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