Moon Knight actor Oscar Isaac has drawn comparisons between his experiences with MCU, Star Wars, and Dune fans. Moon Knight is the highly sought-after actor's latest venture and is also the most recent MCU series on Disney+. The show tells the story of Steven Grant (Isaac), a former U.S. Marine who is struggling with dissociative identity disorder and is granted the powers of an Egyptian moon god. Moon Knight also stars Ethan Hawke and began streaming its first episode on Disney+ on March 30th, with its next episode set to drop on April 6th. Isaac's career in the last decade has been on a particularly hot streak, with the actor having appeared in many of the most successful films of the last several years. In 2015, Isaac appeared in Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens as the character Poe Dameron and went on to play that character in the rest of the Star Wars sequel trilogy as well as sever...