Towards the end of its original eight-season run, the much-loved thriller series Dexter took a turn for the worse. The conclusion to the story of Dexter Morgan (Michael C. Hall), the vigilante serial killer struggling between the urges of his "Dark Passenger" and "Harry's Code" of ethics, was unfortunately rushed and unsatisfying. Dexter ended up escaping justice for his crimes as the Bay Harbor Butcher, while his son and girlfriend escaped together in another direction. Additionally, the finale included an unsatisfying death for Dexter's adopted sister, Debra Morgan (Jennifer Carpenter) after Dexter mercifully turned off her life-support. Yet a big reason why the ending was so unsatisfying can actually be traced back to several seasons before Dexter's finale when the show made its first major mistake.
Learn the origins of one of Stephen King's most memorable characters in Pet Sematary: Bloodlines . The movie centers on a younger Jud Crandall as he attempts to leave his hometown of Ludlow, though when a childhood friend returns from the Vietnam War in mysterious fashion, he learns of a dark secret those in the town have been guarding.
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