The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills features intense quarrels each season, and the series' 12th installment is no exception, as Lisa Rinna and Kathy Hilton are going head-to-head. In the last episode, Lisa accused Kathy of behaving badly during the final night of their Aspen trip. Over the last few episodes, cast members, including Lisa, have had meltdowns in front of their fellow cast members, with minimal repercussions. Given Lisa's previous spats with past and present housewives, fans find it odd that she had such a strong reaction to Kathy’s alleged tantrum in Aspen. There was no footage of what transpired between Kathy and the other housewives on their last night out, which left fans wondering whether Kathy’s behavior was as catastrophic as Lisa made it out to be.
Learn the origins of one of Stephen King's most memorable characters in Pet Sematary: Bloodlines . The movie centers on a younger Jud Crandall as he attempts to leave his hometown of Ludlow, though when a childhood friend returns from the Vietnam War in mysterious fashion, he learns of a dark secret those in the town have been guarding.
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