The television show Friday Night Lights was inspired by a true story, although one that traveled through multiple layers of adaptation. The real-life Permian Panthers, and the surrounding town of Odessa, were a major inspiration for the critically acclaimed NBC series and its setting of Dillon, Texas. However, the series dramatically altered much of the real-life town and its story, using it as inspiration instead of directly retelling events. The TV version of Friday Night Lights ran from 2006 to 2011. It was set in the fictional football-obsessed town of Dillon, Texas, and told the stories of the Dillon Panthers football team and the people around them. While never reaching a mass audience, the series was critically acclaimed and helped to launch or revitalize the careers of actors like Kyle Chandler, Connie Britton, Jesse Plemmons, Taylor Kitsch, and future Hollywood headliner Michael B. Jordan.
Learn the origins of one of Stephen King's most memorable characters in Pet Sematary: Bloodlines . The movie centers on a younger Jud Crandall as he attempts to leave his hometown of Ludlow, though when a childhood friend returns from the Vietnam War in mysterious fashion, he learns of a dark secret those in the town have been guarding.
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