The upcoming The Boys spin-off series Gen V announces that they have wrapped filming with a set of behind-the-scenes photos. The Boys, which is based on the Garth Ennis DC Comics of the same name, has been running on Prime Video since 2019 and concluded season 3 in July. It follows a group of civilian vigilantes (including Karl Urban as Billy Butcher and Jack Quaid as Hughie Campbell) who have teamed up to take down a team of superheroes known as The Seven. The show is known for its fearless approach to comic vulgarity, foul language, violence, and graphic sexuality, including a notorious episode featuring a superhero orgy titled "Herogasm."
Bob Clark's 1974 horror film Black Christmas is one of the most influential slasher movies of all time, and it has an unforgettably chilling ending. In Black Christmas Billy is considered the villain as he picks off victims one by one, and after almost 50 years, his identity is still debated. The story takes place in a sorority house, where the residents are throwing a Christmas party before they depart. Little do they know, however, that a perverted killer has made his way into the house, and is preparing to pick them off one by one. The Billy Black Christmas character remains in the shadows for most of the movie, that is, until the chilling ending.
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